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Backcountry - Outdoor Gear

4.4 ( 3984 ratings )
Sport Lifestyle Winkelen

We get people who get outside.

There’s something out there that gets your heart pounding. Biking, backpacking, climbing, kayaking, skiing, snowboarding, and so much more. Whatever it is, we’ll connect you with your passions.


- Shop a clean, organized selection of premium outdoor gear
- Explore expert advice, videos, and photos
- View, edit, and add products to your Wish List at any time
- Earn rewards and use them to upgrade your gear
- Read customer reviews from an engaged community
- View gear articles, photos, and videos from the app
- Click-to-contact Gearhead Experts for expert help

We’re more than a store.

Backcountry is a community where you can tap into our legendary network of customer service Gearheads Experts for advice and check out informative gear reviews from other customers. Read articles and watch videos on everything from skiing techniques to bike maintenance to backpacking recipes and fly fishing.

Backcountry has the best selection of premium outdoor gear on the planet. Shop skis, bikes, snowboards, climbing gear, tents, backpacks, sleeping bags, fly fishing gear, and so much more.

Have questions or need help? Visit